Environmental Fate Studies
Comprehensive suite of services to assess the mobility, transformation, and degradation of substances in natural systems.
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We offer determination of route & rate of degradation under biotic and abiotic conditions in a wide variety of matrices:
- OECD 106 – Adsorption/Desorption
- OECD 111 – Aqueous Hydrolysis
- OECD 301 – Ready Biodegradability: 301F, Manometric Respirometry
- OECD 303 – Simulation test, Activated Sludge Units
- OECD 304A – Inherent Biodegradability in Soil
- OECD 305 – Bioaccumulation in Fish: Aqueous and Dietary Exposure
- OECD 307 – Soil Simulation Test: Aerobic and Anaerobic Soil Metabolism
- OECD 308 – Freshwater / Sediment Simulation Test: Aerobic & Anaerobic Aquatic Metabolism
- OECD 309 – Fresh Water Simulation Test: Aerobic Mineralization in Surface Water – Simulation Biodegradation Test
- OECD 312 – Column Leaching and Aged Column Leaching
- OECD 316 – Photo-transformation of Chemicals in Water-Direct Photolysis
- OECD draft – Photo-transformation on Chemicals on Soil Surfaces
- OECD 507 – High Temperature Hydrolysis
- OSCPP 835.6100 – Field Dissipation
In addition we offer:
- GLP- & Non-GLP-conform studies following international guidelines (US-EPA OPPTS/OCSPP, OECD, JMAFF, REACH, EU, etc.)
- 14C-tracer and non-labeled studies
- USDA Permit to conduct studies in foreign & restricted soils or water/sediment systems
- Flexibility of experimental set-up: From benchtop incubators to walk-in, temperature-controlled room
- State-of-the-art identification of degradation products & metabolites via variety of high-resolution mass spectroscopic instruments (i.e., QTOF MS connected to HPLC or UHPLC & Capillary Electrophoresis (CE and CZE-MS-TOF)
- Open-air environmental dissipation studies with radiotracers (14C)
- Sterile soil & water/sediment studies
- Adsorption/desorption in soil, sediment & sludge; aged sorption; column leaching/aged leaching
- Unique adaptation for non-guideline studies
We offer a variety of experimental set-up options to study the decomposition of organic substances under environmentally relevant conditions:
- GLP- & Non-GLP-conform studies following international guidelines (US-EPA OPPTS/OCSPP, OECD, ECHA, etc.)
- Possibility to conduct biodegradation tests using radiotracer (14C) or non-labeled set-up
- Different sources of inoculum are possible, for example, activated sludge, sewage effluents, natural surface waters & soils
- Possibility to use inoculum from sources outside the USA based on USDA Permit to conduct studies in foreign & restricted soils or water/sediment systems
- Ready Biodegradability testing following tiered approach: From inoculated media to realistic soil/water/sediment set-up
- Flexibility of experimental set-up: From benchtop incubators to walk-in, temperature-controlled room
- State-of-the-art identification of degradation products & metabolites via variety of mass spectroscopic instruments (TOF & triple quad MS connected to HPLC, UHPLC or Capillary Electrophoresis (CE)
- Unique adaptation for non-guideline studies, for example, field level testing via modified litter bag tests at our in-life facility
- OECD 301 Ready Biodegradability: 301F, Manometric Respirometry