Additional Capabilities
Symbiotic Research provides turn-key volatilization assessment of dicamba products via quantitative humidome tests, avian toxicological services as well as formulation development.
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Humidome studies: in-life and analytical
Symbiotic Research has developed a proven Humidome Testing System:
- Analytical methods were validated and are included in the tests; as of Nov 2020 ca. 700+ individual humidome tests were conducted
- Test results were submitted to EPA (through the Registrant), and Symbiotic Research was asked to contribute to the EPA definition of the Testing Standards
- Symbiotic Research will source the required Dicamba-containing product (e.g., Engenia®) and the approved VRAs (VaporGrip Xtra® and/or Sentris®) directly from the Registrant.
Required amounts of to be tested VRA Product:
- 1 pint of VRA product – if the application rate is known to obtain volatilization results equivalent (or better) than the results of the parallel conducted tests with EPA-approved VRAs or
- 1 quart of VRA product – if initial tests are required to identify necessary application rates to obtain acceptable PASS levels
Avian Toxicological services: in-life
In-life Avian Toxicological services for Mallard Ducks and Quails (Japanese and Bobwhite Quails) through our subsidiary Genesis Midwest and all test material and sample analysis at our Symbiotic Research site out of Mt. Olive New Jersey location.
Genesis Midwest has a long history of conducting the following specific studies:
- Dietary Toxicity (LC50) Studies - OECD 205
- Acute Oral Toxicity Test (LD50) - OECD 223
- Avian Reproduction Test - OECD TG 206
Formulation Development
- Formulation development and analysis
- Formulation stability studies